Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy

The majority of cancer patients will receive radiotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer at some point throughout their treatment. Radiation therapy, often known as radiotherapy, focuses on administering the dose as precisely as possible while sparing the unaffected normal tissues. This helps to reduce the negative effects on the cancer patient while also avoiding damage to normal cells. Radiotherapy imaging examinations aid in determining the exact shape and location of the tumour as well as defining its borders. The radiology professional instructs the patient based on the sort of exam being done on the patient. In the treatment planning for a cancer patient having radiotherapy on an individual basis, a multidisciplinary team of professionals is involved.

The following professionals are involved in radiation therapy treatment:

  • Physicists who work with radiation
  • Oncologists who specialise in radiation therapy
  • Nurses who work in radiation oncology
  • Radiation physicists in medicine
  • Dosimetrists are people who study the effects of radiation.

What is the definition of radiation therapy?

Radiotherapy, often known as radiation therapy, is a cancer treatment that involves the use of high-energy radiation or cosmic rays to harm tumour cells, eliminate their capacity to divide, and prevent them from spreading. What different types of radiation therapy are there?

Radiation therapy for cancer can be provided from an external source, using special machines, or from within the body, using tracers or radioactive compounds injected or eaten to reach the tumour’s site.