Prankur Hospital runs a Digital Mammography scan Test facility that focuses on providing a high-quality, low-cost Mammography test and service through volume. An x-ray image of the breasts is called a mammogram. It is used to detect tumors and distinguish between noncancerous and cancerous diseases.
Mammography is used to check for indicators of breast cancer in healthy women. It’s also used to assess a woman who has breast cancer symptoms such as a lump, nipple discharge, breast pain, dimpling of the breast skin, or nipple retraction. Mammogram screenings aid in the early diagnosis of breast cancer, when it is more likely to be cured.
Most, but not all, organizations advise women to begin screening for breast cancer at the age of 45 and have repeat mammograms every 1 to 2 years. Every 1 to 2 years, all women over the age of 50 should get a screening mammography. Women who have or have had a mother or sister diagnosed with breast cancer should start getting annual mammograms earlier than the age at which the family member was diagnosed. Breast ultrasound can also be used to screen women who are at high risk for breast cancer.
Clinical breast exams (in which a health care practitioner checks the breasts with their fingertips) and monthly breast self-exams are frequently recommended in conjunction with mammography. Every three years, women above the age of 20 should get a clinical breast exam. Every year, women aged 45 and up should receive a clinical breast exam. These are broad guidelines for mammography, clinical breast exams, and self-examination of the breasts. Breast cancer screening, which includes mammography and a clinical breast exam, should be discussed with a woman’s personal health care practitioner.
Screening mammography is a breast X-ray that is used to detect abnormalities in the breast in women who have no signs or symptoms of breast cancer. It mostly entails two X-rays of both breasts. Using a mammography test, it is possible to diagnose a tumor that cannot be felt.
Diagnostic mammography is a breast X-ray that is used to diagnose unexpected breast changes such as breast pain, a lump, nipple thickening, or discharge, as well as a change in breast shape or size. It’s also used to assess abnormalities discovered during a mammography screening. It is a common diagnostic test that can be used to diagnose breast abnormalities in women of any age.
Instead of wearing a dress, some women wear a top with a skirt or pants. For the mammography, you will need to undress from the waist up. Do not apply perfume, deodorant, or powder on the day of your mammogram. Otherwise, these can appear on an X-ray as white patches. Avoid mammography tests in the week leading up to your period or during your period. Because your breasts may be sore or swollen, you should consult a doctor.