General Surgery

General surgeons are trained to treat a wide range of diseases and injuries that require surgery in practically any part of the body. These doctors are involved in pre-, intra-, and post-operative care, as well as diagnostic and therapy. These physicians are involved in the surgical patient’s diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative treatment. Some general surgeons specialize in transplant surgery and must be ready to harvest organs from suitable donors at any time, while others specialize in trauma, breast surgery, colorectal surgery, or vascular surgery.

Subspecialties under general surgery include:

  • Breast Surgery
  • Colon and rectal (colorectal)
  • Hepatobiliary (liver, gall bladder, and biliary tract) and pancreatic surgery
  • Injuries
  • Upper gastrointestinal
  • Vascular Surgery
The general surgery department often collaborates with other departments to do surgeries that need more than one kind of specialist. General surgeons work with specialists in-
  • Hepato-biliary
  • Pancreatic and colorectal surgery
  • Venaes and arterial surgery
  • Breast and endocrine surgery